ScadaPhone Alarm Dialler sits on your SCADA or DCS polls your alarms and notifies you of problems by Voice call, SMS, Email, Pager, Web page or Smart Phone.
ScadaPhone is Australia‘s most widely used software for reporting SCADA Alarm reporting.
ScadaPhone will make notifications to a configurable list of personnel.
Alarm DialerScadaPhone Alarm Dialer is a Windows-based application which interfaces with Windows-based SCADA software to monitor, report and acknowledge alarm and event statuses. If an Alarm is detected, ScadaPhone will make notifications to a configurable list of personnel using a variety of methods (e.g. Voice Audio via telephone or loudspeaker, Text Messages, alphanumeric pager or email). Voice-audio alarm messages are stored using standard Windows wave files which can be either manually recorded via microphone or automatically generated using the Windows Text To Speech interface.